Zero Tolerance on Abuse
The club was called to a meeting with the KDFL and referee's representatives last week. There are some concerns about the level of abuse the referee's had to endure last season, and regrettably some of this came from our club. The Club will NOT tolerate any abusive behavior from our Coaches, Players or Parents/Spectators. The Referee's are there to do their job, and although they may make some mistakes, they do it to the best of their ability's. The matches will not go ahead if we do not have referee's and we need to treat them with respect AT ALL TIMES.
Any player sent off for decent or abuse of the referee with have the suspension period doubled by the league, which will likely be four matches in most cases.
So we ask everyone involved in the club to please consider how they speak to and treat the match officials and also our coaches and players when they attend matches, and to always do so in a respectful manner.